
class activelogic.Users

This is the resource that gives the ability to manage users on an ActiveLogic system.

async Users.list(cls, **kwargs)

Generic list function for all kinds of data that belong to this resource. The list may or may not be cached, depending on if cache_enabled is set.

The following data can be listed from this resource:

  • User: Lists all the users on the system.

  • UserPubKey: Lists the public keys for a given user. The below is mandatory key value argument:

    • user(User object or int or str): The User object or id or name of the user.

>>> us = conn.users()
>>> us.list(User)
[User(id=1, name='user', readbm=55, writebm=99, lviewbm=99, timeout=0, hosts=[]]
>>> user_1 = us.list(User)[0]
>>> us.list(UserPubKey, user=user_1)
[UserPubKey(username='user', key='AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDHPNnxH8BLNZ..')]
>>> us.list(UserPubKey, user='user')
[UserPubKey(username='user', key='AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDHPNnxH8BLNZ..')]
class activelogic.User

Object representing information about a user on an ActiveLogic system.

  • id (int) – The ID of the user.

  • name (str) – The name of the user.

  • readbm (int) – The bitmask of read permissions of the user.

  • writebm (int) – The bitmask of the write permissions of the user.

  • lviewbm (int) – The bitmask of the liveview permissions of the user.

  • timeout (int) – The inactivity timeout for the user in seconds.

  • hosts (list) – The list of hosts the user is allowed to connect from.

Managing users

async Users.add_user(name, password, readbm=0, writebm=0, lviewbm=0, timeout=0, hosts=None)

Adds a new user to the system.

  • name (str) – Name of the new user.

  • password (str) – Password of the new user.

  • readbm (int) – The bitmask of the read permissions of the user.

  • writebm (int) – The bitmask of the write permissions of the user.

  • lviewbm (int) – The bitmask of the liveview permissions of the user.

  • timeout (int) – The inactivity timeout for the user in seconds.

  • hosts (list) – The list of hosts the user is allowed to connect from. Each host can be a network in CIDR format or a single IP address.


An object of type User representing the newly added user.

Return type:

object of type User

  • PLDBError – A User with the given name already exists

  • ValueError – Host is in not in a valid format

>>> us.add_user("new_user", "password", readbm=999)
User(id=10, name='new_user', readbm=0, writebm=0, lviewbm=0, timeout=0, hosts=[])
async Users.update_user(user, name=None, password=None, readbm=None, writebm=None, lviewbm=None, timeout=None, hosts=None)

Update the attributes of the specified user. Omitting an argument or setting it to None will leave that attribute unchanged.

  • user (int or str or User) – The id or name or object representing the user.

  • name (str) – The updated name of the user.

  • password (str) – The new password for the user.

  • readbm (int) – The updated bitmask for the read permissions of the user.

  • writebm (int) – The updated bitmask for the write permissions of the user.

  • lviewbm (int) – The updated bitmask for the liveview permissions of the user.

  • timeout (int) – The updated inactivity timeout for the user in seconds.

  • hosts (list) – The updated list of hosts the user is allowed to connect from. Each host can be a network in CIDR format or a single IP address.


An object of type User representing the updated user

Return type:

object of type User

  • TypeError – The user parameter must of type int or str or an instance of User

  • ValueError – The user specified does not exist on the system.

  • ValueError – Host is not in a valid format

>>> usr = next(u for u in us.list(User) if == 'old_user')
>>> us.update_user(usr, timeout=10)
User(id=10, name='old_user', readbm=0, writebm=0, lviewbm=0, timeout=10, hosts=[])
>>> us.update_user(usr, name="new_user", writebm=99999)
User(id=10, name='new_user', readbm=0, writebm=99999, lviewbm=0, timeout=0, hosts=[])
async Users.remove_user(user)

Remove a user from the ActiveLogic system.


user (int or str or User) – The id or name or object representing the user.

  • TypeError – The user parameter must of type int or str or an instance of User

  • ValueError – The user specified does not exist on the system.

  • PLDBError – Cannot remove admin user

>>> us.remove_user("new_user")
>>> us.remove_user(10)
>>> usr = next(u for u in us.list(User) if == "new_user")
>>> us.remove_user(usr)
async Users.change_user_password(user, current_password, new_password)

Change a user password in ActiveLogic system.

NOTE: Always provide currently logged in user’s password in current_password.

  • user (int or str or User) – The id or name or object representing the user.

  • current_password (str) – The session user’s password.

  • new_password (str) – The session user or other user’s new password.

  • ValueError – The user specified does not exist on the system.

  • PLDBUnsupportedInFirmware – Use ‘update_user’ to change the password of a user.

>>> usr = next(u for u in us.list(User) if == "session_user")
>>> us.change_user_password(usr, "session_user_password", "new_password")
>>> usr = next(u for u in us.list(User) if == "other_user")
>>> us.change_user_password(usr, "session_user_password", "other_user_new_password")

Manage user public ssh keys

async Users.add_pub_key(user, key)

Add specified public ssh key as valid authentication method for a specific user. The key should be base64 encoded.

  • user (str or int or User) – The name or id or object representing a user.

  • key (str or UserPubKey) – The public ssh key to be added in base64 encoded format or UserPubKey object representing the public key.

  • TypeError – The user parameter must of type int or str or an instance of User

  • ValueError – The user specified does not exist on the system

  • TypeError – The key must of type str or an instance of UserPubKey

>>> us.add_pub_key('admin', 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDHPNnxH8BLNZVF+Zxn6Mw...')
async Users.remove_pub_key(user, key)

Remove a specified public ssh key from the user’s public key list.

  • user (str or int or User) – The name or id or object representing a user.

  • key (str or UserPubKey) – The ssh key to be removed from the list of keys in base64 encoded format or the UserPubKey representing the public key.

  • TypeError – The user parameter must of type int or str or an instance of User

  • ValueError – The user specified does not exist on the system

  • TypeError – The key must of type str or an instance of UserPubKey

>>> x = us.list(UserPubKey, user='admin')[0]
>>> us.remove_pub_key('admin', x)
>>> us.remove_pub_key('admin', 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDHPNnxH8BLNZVF+Zxn6Mw...')

Authenticate a user

async Users.authenticate(username, password, ip_address)

Try to authenticate a user.

The ActiveLogic system checks if the specified credentials matches a valid user. Using this api method does not affect the current user in any fashion.

  • username (str) – The username of the user being verified.

  • password (str) – The password of the user being verified.

  • ip_address (str) – The IP address of the host to which authentication is being done.


A tuple of (lviewbm, readbm, writebm) of that user on successful authentication.

Return type:

A tuple


PLDBError – Login Failed

>>> us.authenticate("new_user", "password", "")
(9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807)