
class activelogic.Channels

This is the resource that governs the configuration management of physical channels on an ActiveLogic system.

Channels is a database-bound resource. Thus changes will not take effect until the database transaction is committed.

async Channels.list(cls)

Generic list function for all kind of data that belongs to this resource.


cls – Object type that determines what kind of data to get.


A list of given dataclass type.

  • ValueError – Invalid dataclass type.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by an other session.

The following data can be listed from this resource:

  • Channel: Lists all channels.

  • ChannelLabel: Lists all channel labels.

List may or may not be cached, depending on if cache_enabled is set.

>>> sd.list(Channel)
[Channel(id=1500, active=True, location='Virtual Channel 1'), ...]

The result can be filtered using Python’s list comprehension syntax. For example, to list all labels for divert channels:

>>> [l for l in ch.list(ChannelLabel) if l.role == ChannelRole.DIVERT]
[ChannelLabel(id=1, name='My divert label')]
class activelogic.Channel

Object representing information about a physical channel.

  • id (int) – The ID of the channel.

  • active (bool) – Determines if channel is activated or not.

  • label (str) – The channel label.

  • location (str) – The location of the channel.

  • internal (str) – System name of the internal interface.

  • intpci (str) – PCI address of the internal interface.

  • internal_media (ChannelMedia) – The internal media.

  • external (str) – System name of the external interface.

  • extpci (str) – PCI address of the external interface.

  • external_media (ChannelMedia) – The external media.

  • channel_type (ChannelType) – Channel type.

  • caps (int) – Channel capabilities bitmask.

  • role (ChannelRole) – The intended use of the channel.

  • direction (ChannelDirection) – The channel interface direction. Only used for Traffic Role.

  • int_ipv4_address (IPv4Interface) – IPv4 address of the internal channel interface. Applicable only if channel is used for Layer3.

  • ext_ipv4_address (IPv4Interface) – IPv4 address of the external channel interface. Applicable only if channel is used for Layer3.

  • int_ipv6_address (IPv6Interface) – IPv6 address of the internal channel interface. Applicable only if channel is used for Layer3.

  • ext_ipv6_address (IPv6Interface) – IPv6 address of the external channel interface. Applicable only if channel is used for Layer3.

  • int_ipv4_gateway_address (IPv4Address) – Next hop IPv4 address for the internal gateway. Applicable only if channel is used for Layer3.

  • ext_ipv4_gateway_address (IPv4Address) – Next hop IPv4 address for the external gateway. Applicable only if channel is used for Layer3.

  • int_ipv6_gateway_address (IPv6Address) – Next hop IPv6 address for the internal gateway. Applicable only if channel is used for Layer3.

  • ext_ipv6_gateway_address (IPv6Address) – Next hop IPv6 address for the external gateway. Applicable only if channel is used for Layer3.

class activelogic.ChannelRole

Defines a set of constants for the intended use of a channel:

  • NONE – Channel is not used.

  • TRAFFIC – Channel is used for traffic inspection, management and forwarding.

  • DIVERT – Channel is enabled for divert.

  • MONITOR – Channel is enabled for monitoring.

  • FLOWSYNC – Channel is used for FlowSync.

  • SHUNT – Channel shunts all traffic.

  • LAYER3 – Channel is used for Layer3 traffic.

  • L3_MONITOR – Channel is enabled for Layer3 monitoring.

  • L2_FLOWSYNC_L3_MONITOR – Internal interface of the channel is used for FlowSync and the external interface is enabled for monitoring.


  • BOND_LAYER3 – Channel used for layer3 bonded traffic

  • LAYER3_FLOWSYNC – Channel used for Layer3 flowsync.

  • LAYER3_SHUNT – Channel used for Layer3 shunt.

class activelogic.ChannelDirection

Defines a set of constants for available channel interface directions:

  • DEFAULT – Keeps the default direction with int being an internal interface and ext an external interface.

  • REVERSE – Swaps the direction to make the interface marked int act as an external interface and vice versa.

  • INTERNAL – Sets both interfaces to act as internal interfaces.

  • EXTERNAL – Sets both interfaces to act as external interfaces.

class activelogic.ChannelMedia

Defines a set of constants for available channel media types:

  • MEDIA_AUTO – Media type is Auto Negotiated.

  • MEDIA_10HD – Media type is 10 Mbps Half Duplex.

  • MEDIA_10FD – Media type is 10 Mbps Full Duplex.

  • MEDIA_100HD – Media type is 100 Mbps Half Duplex.

  • MEDIA_100FD – Media type is 100 Mbps Full Duplex.

  • MEDIA_1000FD – Media type is 1 Gbps Full Duplex.

  • MEDIA_10000FD – Media type is 10 Gbps Full Duplex.

  • MEDIA_40000FD – Media type is 40 Gbps Full Duplex.

  • MEDIA_100000FD – Media type is 100 Gbps Full Duplex.

  • MEDIA_25000FD – Media type is 25 Gbps Full Duplex.

  • MEDIA_50000FD – Media type is 50 Gbps Full Duplex.

class activelogic.ChannelBondMode

Defines a set of modes present for a bond channels/label

  • BOND_STATIC – Bond channel is used in static mode

  • BOND_LACP – Bond channel is used in LACP mode

class activelogic.ChannelBondXMITPolicy

Defines a set of bond xmit policies for Bond label/channel

  • BOND_XMIT_POLICY_L2 – Bond channel is used with Layer 2 trasmit policy

  • BOND_XMIT_POLICY_L2L3 – Bond channel is used with Layer 2 and 3 trasmit policy

  • BOND_XMIT_POLICY_L3L4 – Bond channel is used with Layer 3 and 4 transmit policy

Updating Channel Configurations

async Channels.activate_channel(channel_id, activate)

Activates or deactivates a channel.

  • channel_id (Channel or int) – The channel or ID of the channel.

  • activate (bool) – True or False.

  • KeyError – Channel is not found.

  • PLDBError – Current user lacks write permissions on this resource.

  • PLDBError – Resource is locked for writing by another user.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by another session.

>>> ch = conn.channels()
>>> ch.activate_channel(1501, False)
async Channels.update_channel(channel_id, internal_media=None, external_media=None, role=None, label=None, direction=None, subchannels=None, internal=None, external=None, channel_type=None, caps=None, fabric=None, location=None, intpci=None, extpci=None, int_ipv4_address=None, ext_ipv4_address=None, int_ipv6_address=None, ext_ipv6_address=None, int_ipv4_gateway_address=None, ext_ipv4_gateway_address=None, int_ipv6_gateway_address=None, ext_ipv6_gateway_address=None)

Update properties of a channel. Omitting an argument or setting it to None will leave that property unchanged.

  • channel_id (Channel or int) – The channel or ID of the channel.

  • internal_media (ChannelMedia) – Media type on internal interface.

  • external_media (ChannelMedia) – Media type on external interface.

  • role (ChannelRole) – Role of the channel.

  • label (str) – Label of the channel.

  • direction (ChannelDirection) – Direction of the channel.

  • int_ipv4_address (str) – IPv4 address of the internal interface.

  • ext_ipv4_address (str) – IPv4 address of the external interface.

  • int_ipv6_address (str) – IPv6 address of the internal interface.

  • ext_ipv6_address (str) – IPv6 address of the external interface.

  • int_ipv4_gateway_address (str) – IPv4 address of the internal gateway.

  • ext_ipv4_gateway_address (str) – IPv4 address of the external gateway.

  • int_ipv6_gateway_address (str) – IPv6 address of the internal gateway.

  • ext_ipv6_gateway_address (str) – IPv6 address of the external gateway.

  • KeyError – The channel was not found.

  • PLDBError – The channel is still in use by label.

  • PLDBError – The current user lacks write permissions on this resource.

  • PLDBError – The resource is locked for writing by another user.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by another session.

  • PLDBUnsupportedInHardware – Hardware does not support the given values.

  • PLDBUnsupportedInFirmware – Firmware does not support the given property or value.

  • ValueError – The given value is invalid or not within range.

  • AddressValueError – The given IP address is not valid.

>>> ch = conn.channels()
>>> ch.update_channel(1502, role=ChannelRole.DIVERT)

Channel Labels

class activelogic.ChannelLabelFlag

Defines a set of constants for flags that can be applied to a channel label:

  • NONE – No label flags.

  • DIVERT_RR_CONN – Round robin load balancing.

  • DIVERT_HASH_LHOST – Hash on local host.

  • LAYER3_MONITOR – Label is of type Layer3 monitor.

  • ENCAP_NO_BINARY_HEADER – Do not add binary header (L3 monitor).

  • ENCAP_WITH_BINARY_HEADER – Add binary header (L3 monitor).

  • IP_REWRITE – Rewrite IP Addresses (L3 monitor).

  • INCOMING_TRAFFIC – Monitor incoming traffic (L3 monitor).

  • OUTGOING_TRAFFIC – Monitor outgoing traffic (L3 monitor).

  • HB_DISABLED – Disable heartbeat.

  • HB_ICMP – Use ICMP heartbeat.

  • HB_HTTP – Use HTTP HEAD heartbeat.

  • NO_STRIP – Use no-strip mode.

  • STRIP_L2_HDR – Use strip linklevel header mode.

  • STRIP_L3_HDR – Use strip network header mode.

  • TIMESTAMP – Include timestamp in binary header.

  • SESSION_CONTEXT – Include session context field in binary header.







class activelogic.ChannelLabelRecordFlag

Defines a set of constants for flags that can be applied to a channel record in a channel label

  • NONE – No flags.

  • ASYM_VLAN – Divert vlan should use asymmetric vlans.

class activelogic.ChannelLabel

Object representing a divert or monitoring label and its channel records.

  • id (int) – The ID of the label.

  • role (ChannelRole) – Label type.

  • flags (ChannelLabelFlag) – Additional label properties.

  • name (str) – Label name.

  • protocol (str) – Label protocol.

  • schemaname (str) – Schemaname.

  • columnname (str) – Columnname.

  • records (list) – Channel records.

class activelogic.ChannelLabelRecord

Object that represents a channel record in a label.

  • channel_id (int) – The ID of the channel.

  • vlan (int) – VLAN ID or 0 for Untagged.

  • flags (ChannelLabelRecordFlag) – Additional record properties (NONE).

  • int_address (str) – Internal address (‘’).

  • int_gateway (str) – Internal gateway (‘’).

  • int_heartbeat (str) – Internal gateway (‘’).

  • ext_address (str) – External address (‘’).

  • ext_gateway (str) – External gateway (‘’).

  • ext_heartbeat (str) – External heartbeat (‘’).

  • int_port (int) – Source port (7777). In layer 3 monitoring this is the UDP source port.

  • ext_port (int) – Destination port (8888). In layer 3 monitoring this is the UDP destination port.

  • destination_name (str) – Destination name (‘’).

  • destination_address (str) – Destination address (‘’).

  • heartbeat_url (str) – Heartbeat URL (‘/’).

  • heartbeat_port (int) – Heartbeat port (80).

class activelogic.ChannelBondLabel

Object representing a bond label and its channel records.

  • id (int) – The ID of the Label.

  • name (str) – Label name.

  • role (ChannelRole.LAYER3 or ChannelRole.LAYER3_ENDPOINT) – The role of the bond channel.

  • bond_mode (ChannelBondMode) – Channel bond mode.

  • bond_xmit_policy (ChannelBondXMITPolicy) – Channel bond transmit policy.

  • active (bool) – Determines if channel is activated or not.

  • primary_channel (int) – Primary channel of the bond label

  • int_ipv4_address (IPv4Interface) – IPv4 address of the internal interface.

  • ext_ipv4_address (IPv4Interface) – IPv4 address of the external interface.

  • int_ipv6_address (IPv6Interface) – IPv6 address of the internal interface.

  • ext_ipv6_address (IPv6Interface) – IPv6 address of the external interface.

  • int_ipv4_gateway_address (IPv4Address) – Next hop IPv4 address for the internal gateway.

  • ext_ipv4_gateway_address (IPv4Address) – Next hop IPv4 address for the external gateway.

  • int_ipv6_gateway_address (IPv6Address) – Next hop IPv6 address for the internal gateway.

  • ext_ipv6_gateway_address (IPv6Address) – Next hop IPv6 address for the external gateway.

  • records (list) – Channel records.

async Channels.remove_label(label_id)

Removes a channel label.


label_id (int) – ID of the label to remove.

  • KeyError – A label with the given ID was not found.

  • PLDBError – The current user lacks write permissions on this resource.

  • PLDBError – The resource is locked for writing by another user.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by another session.

async Channels.add_label(role, name, flags=ChannelLabelFlag.NONE, protocol='', schemaname='', columnname='', records=None)

Adds a new channel label.

  • role (ChannelRole) – Label type.

  • name (str) – Label name.

  • flags (ChannelLabelFlag) – Additional label properties.

  • protocol (str) – Label protocol.

  • schemaname (str) – Schemaname.

  • columnname (str) – Columnname.

  • records (list) – Label records.


The ID of the new label.

Return type:


  • ValueError – The given role is not valid for labels.

  • PLDBError – A label with that name already exists.

  • PLDBError – The channel is not used for divert, monitoring etc.

  • PLDBError – The current user lacks write permissions on this resource.

  • PLDBError – The resource is locked for writing by another user.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by another session.

Channel labels can be added for MONITOR, DIVERT, L3_MONITOR and L2_FLOWSYNC_L3_MONITOR roles. The channels referenced by the label records must match this role.

Records can be given as a list of ChannelLabelRecord or tuples.

>>> ch = conn.channels()
>>> ch.update_channel(1500, role=ChannelRole.DIVERT)
>>> ch.add_label(ChannelRole.DIVERT, 'My divert label', records=[ChannelLabelRecord(1500, 0)])
async Channels.update_label(label_id, name=None, protocol=None, schemaname=None, columnname=None, flags=None, records=None)

Update an existing channel label. Omitting an argument or setting it to None will leave that property unchanged.

  • label_id (int) – The ID of the label to update.

  • name (str) – Label name.

  • protocol (str) – Protocol.

  • schemaname (str) – Schemaname.

  • columnname (str) – Columnname.

  • flags (ChannelLabelFlag) – Additional label properties.

  • records (list) – Channel records.

  • KeyError – A label with given ID was not found.

  • PLDBError – A label with that name already exists.

  • PLDBError – The channel is not used for divert, monitoring etc.

  • PLDBError – The current user lacks write permissions on this resource.

  • PLDBError – The resource is locked for writing by another user.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by another session.

>>> ch = conn.channels()
>>> records = [l for l in ch.list(ChannelLabel) if == 4][0].records
>>> ch.update_label(4, records=records + [(1502, 0)])
async Channels.remove_bond_label(label_id)

Removes a channel bond label.


label_id (int) – ID of the label to remove.

  • KeyError – A label with the given ID was not found.

  • PLDBError – The current user lacks write permissions on this resource.

  • PLDBError – The resource is locked for writing by another user.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by another session.

async Channels.add_bond_label(name, primary_channel, role=ChannelRole.LAYER3, bond_mode=ChannelBondMode.BOND_STATIC, bond_xmit_policy=ChannelBondXMITPolicy.BOND_XMIT_POLICY_L2, int_ipv4_address=None, ext_ipv4_address=None, int_ipv6_address=None, ext_ipv6_address=None, int_ipv4_gateway_address=None, ext_ipv4_gateway_address=None, int_ipv6_gateway_address=None, ext_ipv6_gateway_address=None, active=True, records=None)

Adds a new bond channel label.

  • name (str) – Label name.

  • primary_channel (int) – Primary channel of the bond label

  • role (ChannelRole.LAYER3 or ChannelRole.LAYER3_ENDPOINT) – The role of the bond channel.

  • bond_mode (ChannelBondMode) – Channel bond mode.

  • bond_xmit_policy (ChannelBondXMITPolicy) – Channel bond transmit policy.

  • int_ipv4_address (str) – IPv4 address of the internal interface.

  • ext_ipv4_address (str) – IPv4 address of the external interface.

  • int_ipv6_address (str) – IPv6 address of the internal interface.

  • ext_ipv6_address (str) – IPv6 address of the external interface.

  • int_ipv4_gateway_address (str) – Next hop IPv4 address for the internal gateway.

  • ext_ipv4_gateway_address (str) – Next hop IPv4 address for the external gateway.

  • int_ipv6_gateway_address (str) – Next hop IPv6 address for the internal gateway.

  • ext_ipv6_gateway_address (str) – Next hop IPv6 address for the external gateway.

  • active (bool) – Determines if channel is activated or not.


The ID of the new label.

Return type:


  • ValueError – The given role is not valid for labels.

  • PLDBError – A label with that name already exists.

  • PLDBError – The channel is not used for bond_layer3.

  • PLDBError – The current user lacks write permissions on this resource.

  • PLDBError – The resource is locked for writing by another user.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by another session.

Records can be given as a list of ChannelLabelRecord

>>> ch = conn.channels()
>>> ch.update_channel(1500, role=ChannelRole.BOND_LAYER3)
>>> ch.add_bond_label(name="My bond label", primary_channel=1500, int_ipv4_address='',ext_ipv4_address='')
async Channels.update_bond_label(label_id, name=None, bond_xmit_policy=ChannelBondXMITPolicy.BOND_XMIT_POLICY_L2, int_ipv4_address=None, ext_ipv4_address=None, int_ipv6_address=None, ext_ipv6_address=None, int_ipv4_gateway_address=None, ext_ipv4_gateway_address=None, int_ipv6_gateway_address=None, ext_ipv6_gateway_address=None, active=None, records=None)

Update an existing channel bond label. Omitting an argument or setting it to None will leave that property unchanged.

  • label_id (int) – The ID of the label to update.

  • name (str) – Label name.

  • bond_xmit_policy (ChannelBondXMITPolicy) – Channel bond transmit policy.

  • int_ipv4_address (str) – IPv4 address of the internal interface.

  • ext_ipv4_address (str) – IPv4 address of the external interface.

  • int_ipv6_address (str) – IPv6 address of the internal interface.

  • ext_ipv6_address (str) – IPv6 address of the external interface.

  • int_ipv4_gateway_address (str) – Next hop IPv4 address for the internal gateway.

  • ext_ipv4_gateway_address (str) – Next hop IPv4 address for the external gateway.

  • int_ipv6_gateway_address (str) – Next hop IPv6 address for the internal gateway.

  • ext_ipv6_gateway_address (str) – Next hop IPv6 address for the external gateway.

  • active (bool) – Determines if channel is activated or not.

  • records (list) – Channel records.

  • KeyError – A label with given ID was not found.

  • PLDBError – A label with that name already exists.

  • PLDBError – The channel is not used for bond_layer3.

  • PLDBError – The current user lacks write permissions on this resource.

  • PLDBError – The resource is locked for writing by another user.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by another session.

>>> ch = conn.channels()
>>> ch.update_bond_label(label_id=600, name="updated bond label")