System Configuration

class activelogic.Config

This is the resource that governs the system configuration database of an ActiveLogic system.

A configuration value essentially is a key-value pair, where the key serves as a unique identifier. All values are stored as strings in the configuration database, but config_type determines how it should be handled.

All configuration values comes with a default value as well as a min/max range. All these values may differ for different platforms.


Enforcement of min/max range can be disabled by setting _VERIFY_MINMAX to False. This option is reserved for advanced users. Setting out-of-range configuration values may render the system unusable.

Config is a database-bound resource. Thus changes will not take effect until the database transaction is committed.

async Config.list(cls)

Generic list function for all kind of data that belongs to this resource.


cls – Object type that determines what kind of data to get.


A list of given dataclass type.

  • ValueError – Invalid dataclass type.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by an other session.

The following data can be listed from this resource:

  • ConfigValue: Lists all configuration values.

  • ConfigCategory: Lists all configuration categories.

  • ConfigFlags: List all configuration flags.

List may or may not be cached, depending on if cache_enabled is set.

>>> c.list(ConfigValue)
[ConfigValue(key='ALLOW_FWD_ON_INJECT', value=False), ConfigValue(key='ALWAYS_FORWARD', value=True), ...]
>>> c.list(ConfigCategory)
[ConfigCategory(id=1, name='DRDL'), ConfigCategory(id=2, name='Packet Handling'), ...]
>>> c.list(ConfigFlag)
[ConfigFlag(bit=0, name='Restart Engine'), ConfigFlag(bit=1, name='Restart core services'), ...]

The result can be filtered using Python’s list comprehension syntax. For example, to list all changed configuration values:

>>> [v.key for v in c.list(ConfigValue) if v.value != v.default_value]
class activelogic.ConfigType

Defines a set of numeric constants representing available configuration types:

  • INVISIBLE – Invisible configuration that cannot be set.

  • STRING – String value.

  • INTEGER – Integer value.

  • IPADDRESS – IP address represented as a string.

  • FLOAT – Float value.

  • BOOLEANTrue or False

class activelogic.ConfigValue

Object representing a system configuration value.

  • key (str) – Configuration key.

  • value (str, int, float or bool) – Configuration value.

  • config_type (int) – Configuration type. See activelogic.ConfigType.

  • str (relates_to) – Parent configuration.

  • str – Related configurations.

  • min_value (str, int, float or bool) – Minimum allowed value for the configuration.

  • max_value (str, int, float or bool) – Maximum allowed value for the configuration.

  • default_value (str, int, float or bool) – Default value for the configuration.

  • description (str) – Configuration description.

  • visible (bool) – Configuration visibility. Hidden configurations typically are reserved for advanced usage or debugging.

  • category (int) – Configuration category.

  • flags (int) – Configuration flags. Typically restart options.

  • modified_by (str) – User that made the most recent modification.

  • modification_date (str) – Modification date.

Reading Configurations

async Config.get(key)

Gets the configuration value object for a given key.


key (str) – The configuration key.


The ConfigValue for the given key.

  • ValueError – Config key was not found.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by another session.

async Config.get_value(key)

Gets the configuration value for a given key.


key (str) – The configuration key.


The configuration value for the given key.

Return type:

str, int, float or bool


see Config.get().

Updating Configurations

async Config.update(key, value)

Locks the System Configuration resource on the connected system and updates a configuration with the given value.

  • key (str or ConfigValue) – The key or object to update.

  • value (str, int, float or bool) – The new configuration value.

  • KeyError – The config key was not found.

  • TypeError – Value is of incorrect type.

  • ValueError – Numeric value is not within configuration’s min/max range.

  • PLDBError – The current user lacks write permissions on this resource.

  • PLDBError – Resource is locked for writing by another user.

  • PLDBNewDataCommitted – Conflict with new data committed by an other session.


class activelogic.ConfigCategory

Object representing a configuration category.

  • id (int) – Category ID.

  • name (str) – Category name.

class activelogic.ConfigFlag

Object representing a configuration flag.

  • bit (int) – Bit position in ConfigValue’s flags field.

  • name (str) – Flag description.