Aggregated view

Example of usage:

import asyncio
from activelogic import liveview

async def process_data_in_update(data):

async def liveviewexample():
    v = liveview.View('ws://')

    d = liveview.ViewDistribution('Local Host')
    d2 = liveview.ViewDistribution('Service')

    f = liveview.ViewIncludeFilter('Host', '')

    v.add_distributions(d, d2)

    await v.connect()
    while v.connected():
        d = await v.wait_for_update()
        await process_data_in_update(d)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
class activelogic.liveview.View

Object representing a liveview which can have ViewFilter and ViewDistributions

  • ws_addr (str) – URL to which the websocket server will respond.

  • ssl (type) – Context used for the transport.

  • sslssl.SSLContext

This initializes the view. To connect, use View.connect().

v = View("ws://")

If the wss protocol is used, ssl must be:

  • A ssl.SSLContext object if the server uses a self-signed certificate.

  • True if the server uses a valid certificate that is signed by a CA that your Python installation trusts.

import ssl

ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT)

v = View("wss://", ssl_context)
async View.connect()

Attempts to open a connection to the websocket server.


True if connection is up, otherwise False.

async View.close()

Performs the closing handshake and waits for the TCP connection to terminate.


Adds one or more columns to a View

>>> v.add_columns("name", "inbound_bps", "outbound_bps", "in_quality_packets", "out_quaility_packets")

Adds one or more distributions to a View

>>> v.add_distributions(ViewDistribution('Local Host'), ViewDistribution('Service'))

Adds one or more filters to a View

>>> v.add_filters(ViewIncludeFilter('Host', ''))

If set to True, child items are included in data updates.


expand (bool) – True or False

async View.wait_for_update()

Wait for the next update.


List of items.

This method is used to get continuous data updates from the connected system:

while v.connected():
    d = await v.wait_for_update()

Each item in the list of data is represented as a dict, where each key/value pair represents a column:

  • name - the name of the list item

  • children - child items, see expand_by_default()

  • inbound - inbound bandwidth

  • outbound - outbound bandwidth

  • - quality metric for inbound packets on internal channel interface

  • in.ext.quality - quality metric for inbound packets on external channel interface

  • - quality metric for outbound packets on internal channel interface

  • out.ext.quality - quality metric for outbound packets on external channel interface

  • in.shapingavg.latency - Average latency of inbound packets added by shaping

  • in.shapingmax.latency - Inbound packet with highest latency added by shaping

  • in.shapingdrops - Number of packets inbound dropped due to shaping

  • in.shapingtotal - Number of packets inbound processed by shaping

  • out.shapingavg.latency - Average latency of outbound packets added by shaping

  • out.shapingmax.latency - Outbound packet with highest latency added by shaping

  • out.shapingdrops - Number of packets outbound dropped due to shaping

  • out.shapingtotal - Number of packets outbound processed by shaping

  • int.rtt - Handshake RTT for internal side

  • ext.rtt - Handshake RTT for external side

  • connections - Total number of currently seen connections

In case active_columns are manually selected the fields meta data will not be used to translate the messages into a pretty format.


class activelogic.liveview.ViewIncludeFilter

Filter that only includes connections where property matches one of the specified values.

  • name (str) – Filtering property

  • values – Value or tuple of filtering values.

  • arg (str) – Additional filtering argument.

>>> ViewIncludeFilter('Host', '')
>>> ViewIncludeFilter('Flags', True, 'ASYMMETRIC')
>>> ViewIncludeFilter('Session Context', ('Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze'), 'S1/plan')
class activelogic.liveview.ViewExcludeFilter

Filter that excludes connections where property matches one of the specified values.

  • name (str) – Filtering property

  • values – Value or tuple of filtering values.

  • arg (str) – Additional filtering argument.

>>> ViewExcludeFilter('Host', '')

Filters that can be applied on a View.


List of available filters presented by the connected system


List of filters that can be applied on a View

List of available services presented by the connected system


List of services that can be used by a filter


class activelogic.liveview.ViewDistribution

Object representing a distribution on a view.

>>> d = ViewDistribution('Local Host')

Distributions that can be applied on a View.


List of available fields presented by the connected system


List of fields that can be applied for distribution on a View